2019 Match Play rules and procedures

Make your own matches and times.
Play from the white tees.
Use 100% of your handicap.
Attempt to play your matches within the particular handicap period.

Use the handicap for the handicap period you are playing in. If you must play your match outside the handicap period (later) use the handicap you would have had in that particular period. (Ex: You play your second round match in the third (July 1- July 16) handicap period. Use your handicap from the second period, June 16-30).
Round 1 handicap period: June 1-15
Round 2 handicap period: June 16-30
Round 3 handicap period: July 1-15
Round 4 handicap period: July 16-July 31
Round 5 handicap period: August 1-15

Subtract the lower handicap from the higher handicap. The differential will determine how many strokes one player gives to the other. Example: A 10 plays a 20 handicap.
20 - 10 = 10
The 20 handicap gets a stroke on the 10 lowest handicap scores on the scorecard.

Play each match until a winner is declared. If both players in a match cannot meet to play, the winner will be determined by a coin flip.